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Getting Started

Less than 1 minute

Welcome, we are glad that you are interested in installing BlizzCMS Plus. For this, you will be guided on how to install the CMS with different methods depending on the familiarity you have with them.


Before you get started, ensure you have the following:

  • Web Server (Apache/Nginx)
    • Enable modules: mod_headers - mod_rewrite - mod_expires
  • MySQL 5.7+ or MariaDB 10.6+
  • PHP 7.4 or newer recommended
    • Enable extensions: curl - gd - gmp - mbstring - mysqli - openssl - soap


The CMS requires that you have a World of Wacraft server pre-installed with its respective databases.

Manual Installation

  1. Download the latest version v1.xopen in new window, and extract it where the root of your site will be.

  2. Lastly, set permission 755 for all folders and permission 644 for all files in your site root

🎉 Now open a browser tab with your IP/Domain to continue the installation process

Installation with Git

  1. Open a shell and execute the following commands to clone the repository

    cd site-directory
    git clone -b 1.x
  2. Lastly, set permission 755 for all folders and permission 644 for all files in your site root

🎉 Now open a browser tab with your IP/Domain to continue the installation process

Last update:
Contributors: DZywolf